Energy Saving Product Reviews

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Are you trying to cut down on your electric bill? There are several ways to go about doing this.

Replace existing devices with energy saving ones (light bulbs, dishwashers, computers, etc)  It is a good idea to make these upgrades first then size your wind turbine, solar array and batteries (if applicable). This way your power generation will be more in line with your more efficient power usage.

Use renewable power generating devices (solar, wind, hydro).

Don’t use as much electricity!

The first option is perhaps the quickest and easiest way to save a lot of energy. It typically doesn’t require a huge chunk of money and possibly hiring someone to do an installation. However, you still have to spend money to save money and you definitely don’t want to waste your hard earned clams on a product that doesn’t measure up!

Buying the product in the first place is the hardest part. How do you know if will perform as well as it says? This is where we might be able to help. All products listed below were bought with our own money and thoroughly tested and our reviews are strict and unbiased

On To The Reviews

All products listed below were bought with our own money and thoroughly tested.  This is a relatively new page and we will continue to add new reviews when we get the chance.

Solar Powered– Solar Yard Lights

Household– Kill A Watt Electrical Power Monitor

If you know about a product you would like for us to review you can send us an email using the form below.

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