to golf cart or not to golf cart

by Chris
(lake ontario)

We have used golf cart batteries for over 12 years (different sets of course) on our 45 foot sailboat, 4 of which were spent living aboard in warm climates. We have a bank of 8 and a separate starting battery as well as a separate battery for the electric windlass, because it is kept upfront. At home the boat is laid up all winter and sorry to say, we are not ones to cater to them. Maybe we take them off and maybe we don’t, depends on the mood, the weather, you get it. Wouldn’t go any other way, have converted many a cruising sailboats or wannabe. We are getting new ones this year. On average we get 3 or 4 seasons out of them. Probably would get more if we took better care of them in the winter storage months. Charge, discharge, charge discharge, over and over, a great gift to the boating world, cheers.

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