GC-2 golf cart Batteries are good, but Not all golf cart batteries are the same Interstate made in Mexico???

by Marcelino Soto
(Puerto Rico)

I have a solar system; about five years ago, I bought a set of batteries. First I tried the marine deep cycle but they only last a year or so. At the same time I decided to get the 16 golf cart GC-2 Stowaway on a 24v system. Those stowaway batteries are still working.
Nevertheless, I decided to add more batteries to the system. I went to SAM’s Club where I got the stowaway GC-2 but they no longer had them (they were too good) and I had to buy the Intestate GC-2 from SAM’S Club. Even though they were more expensive, they turn out to be a bad choice. Those batteries hardly last a year. Last year I got two sets 8 GC-2 Interstate, and I already had to replace 2 batteries from those banks. On the other hand, from the 16 GC-2 Stowaway, which are about 5 years old, I just replaced one battery a month ago. The others stowaways are still alive and kicking. The bad thing is that they don’t sell the stowaway any longer and I replace it with an interstate GC-2. I hope my experience will help you decide on your system. By the way the interstate GC-2 is manufactured in Mexico. I wonder if it would make a difference if they were manufactured in the USA.

Aug 13, 2015
starstarstarstarstarBummer batteries NEW
by: Anonymous

I knew I shoud have bought batteries for my golf cart 2 years ago.they don’t have the same thing (stowaway) 6yrs.+performance, now about a year.what a ripoff.try making things that last like the old days.if it wasn’t people like us who keep you in business then……get the picture? It will come back to bite you in the butt.signed, very very dissapointed.

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